If you are planning on selling your home in Toronto, let me tell you a little secret.

What your home smells like is as important as what it looks like. Why? Because when a potential Buyer walks through your door, smell is the first sense that hits them the hardest.

“What is that smell?” my Buyer clients always ask me.

The first rule of thumb I’m going to tell Sellers is: don’t try too hard. Vanilla candles and freshly baked chocolate chip cookies smell amazing but they distract Buyers from the actual elements you are trying to sell them. Potential Buyers spend too much time trying to figure out where the cookies are and not enough time realizing that the floor plan is just right for them.

Do not burn incense. Buyers speculate you are trying to cover something up….like maybe, marijuana?? Do not spray Febreeze. Febreeze is for masking unpleasant smells in the bathroom. Don’t start cooking with a lot of curry when you’re trying to sell your home. Nothing kills the Buyer’s desire more than smelling the Seller’s cooking. Don’t spray your perfume in your bathroom but rather hold out and spray it in your car before going to work. If your hottest potential Buyer hates floral scents, you wouldn’t want to send them running before they even took a step inside, would you?

Here’s what smells DO sell homes:

Neutral aka “no” smells. There’s a spray you can get to achieve that. It’s called Odor Neutral.

Boil apples and cinnamon in a pot on your stove and leave it for a couple hours. Then put the pot away. The stager I use recommends this and when I’ve showed buyers properties where sellers have done this, my buyer clients always comment on how nice it smells inside.

Naturally scent your home with herbs and citrus and spices. Some of my all time favourite natural scent recipes can be found here.


